

Lead partner – based in Eschborn,  Germany, is an educational and vocational training center.

Brainymotion offers a various spectrum of trainings, focusing on IT and Project-Management and empowers people across Europe to succeed through training and lifelong learning. In the post-COVID society, where the sharing of information and communication has shifted further to digital platforms and media, brainymotion stands for digital inclusion and digital competence.

It has extensively worked with career changers, long-term jobseekers and in general with adults in challenging life-situations. The training delivery by now has mainly been online and blended training formats. Therefore brainymotion brings a lot of experience in hybrid and digital work.

As a provider of trainings of digital content, brainymotion occupies staff with lots of experience in digital tools and competencies that are being taught to adult students helping them cope with the new digital era.


Partner – based in Piacenza, Italy is vocational training company.

Founded in 2007 as a training organization that focused on event management, safety management, marketing, tourism, and more, it later became a referee,  at a regional level, for young graduates, unemployed people, and company training. It is accredited in Lifelong education and training, Higher Education, Apprenticeship, People with Disabilities in Lazio and Emilia-Romagna regions.

It was certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 in 2013. COM2 aims to transmit the importance of training and respond to new social and working dynamics.

They specialize in culture, tourism, marketing, communication, ICT, entertainment, and audiovisuals, offering courses annually.


Partner – based in Athens, Greece is an educational and vocational training center.

It was established in 2000 and is certified as a Level 2 National Centre for Vocational Training. It has over 25 years of experience in the field of Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning and has taught more than 20,000 individuals in various fields.

It is partner with international organizations and has participated in various EU-funded projects. Universal Education has demonstrated sensitivity and activity in projects targeting unemployed, socially excluded, underprivileged, and vulnerable groups.

Lastly, they run 10 ESF projects that provide training and practical learning opportunities for unemployed individuals in Greece and Cyprus, demonstrating expertise in various areas such as training needs analysis, desk research, curricula development, and implementation.

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